WB Ration Dealer Recruitment 2024 – New Dealership Vacancy Notification, Application Form Download PDF & Online Apply Link, Step by Step process to be a ration Dealer in different districts of West Bengal
Under a state-level scheme of the Government of West Bengal, people can now apply online for ration dealerships. Interested individual residents of the state would be required to fill in an application form and submit the same to the Food & Supplies Department, Govt. of West Bengal. Since it is a state-level scheme, any adult resident of the state of West Bengal can apply for the dealership.
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If you want more information about the eligibility criteria, application process etc., then keep reading this article.

Ration Shop Dealership Notification: Brief Overview
Name of Dealership Scheme | Fair Price Shop (FPS) |
Alternate Name | Ration Shop |
Location | All over West Bengal |
Appointing Agency | Food Supplies Department |
Selection Process | Based on Merit |
Official Website | www.food.wb.gov.in |
Mode of Recruitment | Online |
Application Form fill up starting date | Already Started |
Category of Article | Business Scheme |
Ration Dealer Recruitment 2024 New Advertisement
Subdivision | Location | Last Date | Notification |
Mathabhanga | BURABURI | 06/03/2024 | Download |
Mathabhanga | PACHAGAR (P) | 06/03/2024 | Download |
Dinhata | SITAI | 06/03/2024 | Download |
Coochbihar(Sadar) | GOKULER KUTHI | 06/03/2024 | Download |
Coochbihar(Sadar) | HATIRAM SALBARI | 06/03/2024 | Download |
Dinhata | RUIER KHUTHI | 06/03/2024 | Download |
Dinhata | BHALKA | 06/03/2024 | Download |
Dinhata | SHUKARUR KUTHI | 06/03/2024 | Download |
Dinhata | KHARIJA DURGANAGAR DWITIA KHANDA | 06/03/2024 | Download |
Dinhata | THARAIKHANA | 06/03/2024 | Download |
Dinhata | CHAMTA | 06/03/2024 | Download |
Mekliganj | SOULMARI | 06/03/2024 | Download |
Mekliganj | UCHAL PUKHARI | 06/03/2024 | Download |
Mekliganj | UCHAL PUKHARI | 06/03/2024 | Download |
Tufanganj | GHOGARKUTHI PRATHAM KHANDA | 06/03/2024 | Download |
Tufanganj | ANDARAN PHULBARI (P) | 06/03/2024 | Download |
Tufanganj | BAJRAPUR,BICHHANDAI,TURKANIRKUTHI | 06/03/2024 | Download |
Tufanganj | RAMPUR | 06/03/2024 | Download |
Mekliganj | UTTAR BHOTBARI | 06/03/2024 | Download |
Mekliganj | UTTAR BHOTBARI | 06/03/2024 | Download |
Mekliganj | PASCHIM GOPALPUR | 06/03/2024 | Download |
West Bengal Ration Dealer Recruitment – Eligibility Criteria
There are some criteria for eligibility. If you don’t meet the criteria set by the government then you would not be permitted to have a ration dealership.
- It is necessary for the applicant to be a permanent resident of a specific district in West Bengal.
- Applicants must own significant space for loading and unloading the supplies that are to be maintained for proper supply of ration.
- The applicant must be fluent in the local language, that is, Bengali. He/she should also be able to efficiently read and write in Bengali without much hassle.
- It is mandatory that the applicant for a ration dealership must have his/her own warehouse to store the ration supplies.
- The applicant must have a working computer system for storing details of stock and ration cardholders.
- It is also necessary that the applicant provides his/her lease agreement papers during application if they have taken a warehouse on lease.
Application Fee for Ration Dealership Application Form in West Bengal:
Category | Application Fee |
All Category | Rs. 1,000/- |
Applicants are also required to pay an application fee of Rs. 1,000/-/
Keep in mind that an application fee must be submitted to the office of the Sub-Divisional Controller of Food and Supplies.
Method of Payment of Application Fee: by Demand Draft mode only.
Ration Dealership Application Form – How to Apply Online?
First of all, you need to go to the official website of the WPDS. You can simply use this link for your convenience – https://food.wb.gov.in/. Now, click on “Apply for FPS Dealership“.

A list of recently published FPS Vacancy announcements and notifications will show up. Click on “Area” to search for the location you want to apply for.

Now, select District Name, Office Name and Sub Division Name. Advertisements for Dealer Recruitment for the selected location will be visible.

After that, click the “Apply Now” button beside your chosen location.

After clicking on it, you will be redirected to login page. Enter you mobile number > Get OTP, then provide the OTP received in your mobile and click on “Proceed“.

Next, fill up all the details in the application form.
Make sure the details entered are correct and up-to-date. Information needed will include your name, father’s name, address of the warehouse, your residential address, personal information, contact details, and so on.
You will also be required to enter details of the profession of family members and your experience in business (if any).
Carefully go through the terms and conditions which are given. After reading them all, check the box for acceptance if you do not have any problem with the terms and conditions.
Attach the documents required along with your application form. They are necessary to check your eligibility.
Finally, verify all the details and click on the “Submit” button.
Documents required to apply for Ration Dealership in West Bengal:
- Challan showing that the non-refundable application fee has been successfully paid.
- Aadhar card/ Passport/ PAN card or any other such document for identity verification.
- Domicile certificate/ Residential certificate or any other proof of address.
- The applicant’s certificate or marksheet of his/her highest qualifying examination.
- Proof of financial solvency.
- The layout of the warehouse or godown.
- Medical certificate stating that the applicant is physically fit to have a ration dealership.
- Birth certificate or class X admit card.
- A photocopy of the Income Tax Return of the applicant for the last three years before the year of application.
- A photocopy of the Audit Report of the applicant for the last three years before the year of application.
Details of Godown Requirement for Dealership
- ডিলারশীপের জন্য গোডাউন ন্যূনতম 150 বর্গমিটার হতে হবে এবং গোডাউন সংলগ্ন 50 Sqft ঘর বা আচ্ছাদিত জায়গা থাকতে হবে অফিসের কাজে ব্যবহার করার জন্য।
- পাশের দেয়াল বরাবর গোডাউনের উচ্চতা কমপক্ষে 2.43 মিটার (8 ফুট) হওয়া উচিত।
- গোডাউনটি অবশ্যই ভাল বায়ুচলাচল যুক্ত এবং পাকা হতে হবে।
- মিউনিসিপ্যাল কর্পোরেশন এলাকায় প্লিন্থ লেভেল 0.30 মিটার (1 ফুট) এবং পৌরসভা এবং অন্যান্য এলাকায় 0.60 মিটার (2 ফুট) হতে হবে।
Is the Ration Dealership & Distributorship Same?
No. Fair Price Shop (FPS) Dealership is where you will be assigned a small area in your block under which you will be the only dealer. A dealer directly provides the materials to the consumers / beneficiaries.
Distributorship is different that the Dealership. Ration Distributorship is much bigger than the Dealership. It is given in a comparatively large area than the dealership. There are 20-50 Dealers under a Distributor who has to store the materials in his / her own warehouse and send it to the assigned dealers.
WBPDS Ration Dealer Offline Application Form – Download PDF

Apply Online for Latest Fair Price Shop (FPS) Dealer Recruitment | Click Here |
Apply Online for Distributorship | Click Here |
Ration Dealership Offline Application Form | Download PDF |
WB Dealer List | Check Here |
Ration Card Form Download | Check Here |
Food & Supplies Department Website | www.food.wb.gov.in |
WBPDS Official Website | www.wbpds.gov.in |
Some Important Questions Regarding Ration Dealership
পশ্চিমবঙ্গের রেশন ডিলারের আবেদন করার জন্য কিভাবে আবেদন পত্র জমা দিতে হয়?
রেশন ডিলারের এর জন্য আপনাদেরকে অনলাইনে আবেদন করতে হবে www.food.wb.gov.in ওয়েবসাইটে। এছাড়াও অফলাইনের মাধ্যমে আপনারা আবেদনপত্র জমা করতে পারবেন সংশ্লিষ্ট খাদ্য ও সরবরাহ দপ্তর এর অফিসে গিয়ে। আমরা ওয়েবসাইটে অনলাইনে আবেদন করার লিংক দিয়ে দিয়েছি।
কারা কারা রেশন ডিলারশিপ এর জন্য আবেদন করতে পারবেন?
নিম্নলিখিত ব্যক্তি অথবা গ্রুপ রেশন ডিলার এর জন্য আবেদন করতে পারবে:
1) সংশ্লিষ্ট মহকুমায় স্থায়ীভাবে বসবাসকারী একজন ব্যক্তি,
2) রেজিস্টার্ড পার্টনারশীপ ফার্ম,
3) সমবায় সমিতি,
4) সেলফ হেল্প গ্রুপ এর সংঘ বা মহাসংঘ মহাসংঘ.
রেশন ডিলার শিপ এর আবেদন করতে হলে কত টাকা আবেদন ফি হিসেবে জমা দিতে হবে এবং কিভাবে জমা দিতে হবে?
আবেদনপত্র জমা দেওয়ার জন্য Rs. 1,000 টাকা ফি হিসেবে জমা করতে হবে। এই অ্যাপ্লিকেশন ফি GRIPS পোর্টালের মাধ্যমে জমা করতে হবে। এর জন্য সংশ্লিষ্ট আবেদনকারীকে www.wbifms.gov.in এই ওয়েবসাইটে অনলাইনে পে করতে হবে।
In case you have any questions regarding Dealership Process of WB PDS (Ration) in 2024, then comment below. We will try to help you and reply to your query as soon as possible.
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